Sunday, January 25, 2009

Five first lines of essays I would like to write: DeAnna Russell

1. Paintbrush in hand, and a gallon of possiblities beside of me, and I look at you, and cannot belive how far we have come.
2. Hours upon hours of hearing, watching him yell at the t.v, cussing out the people that killed your guy swearing revange...this is what you are use to when your partner is a gamer.
3. Hate, I believe comes from experinces gone wrong.
4. Tired of homework... alas the life of a college student.
5. Choices I have made:
I hate birds, All birds. When I was a kid about the age of seven I was at my grandmother's house and her husband had chickens and along with chickens comes a chicken coop. It was handmade of old 2x4's and held together with rusty nails all jutted out in various directions, like tiny teeth ready to slice off shreds of whatever dare come close enough to it. Inside this cage are fifty or so nasty animals, with their tiny beady eyes and feathers matted in colors of red and dirt brown. Squawking and pecking with their tiny, orange, never full beaks. In a mass so large that it is only a small patch of ground is visible...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Titles Of Books that I'd love to write......

The five Book TITLES:

1. “Blue Walls”> A book about the journey of A marriage In College
2. "Looking trough the Mirror" > A book about learning to handle and overcome depression In your teenager.
3. "Dealing with Halo, a woman’s guide to video games".
4. " Dating Hiatus" Another fluffy love story
5. "My Pound Puppy" A children’s book

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What kind of essays might you see from me???

. The Conversational Element (xxiv-xxv). Would you describe yourself as someone who often feels ambivalent about issues? Are you the kind of person who has lots of doubts? Do you make a habit of examining your doubts? I think that everyone at one time or another has doubts, people are human, and I am certaintly a worrier. However I don't have doubts I ussally have thought and worried over a decision enough that I have already weighed the outcomes a thousand times, so when I come to a soultion, it usally does not present doubts about what ever it is, of course this is usally in theory only.

II. Honesty, Confession, and Privacy (xxv-xxvii). Would you describe yourself as a private person or do you tend to be more of an "open book"? I am a relitive open book I think that I share my experinces or my life choices because no matter how bad or indifferet they are they are what makes me, me. I do however usally share things with people that I know, but for the most part if you want to know ask, is my usal policy if I don't want you to know I'll tell you so. As people who know me can atest too.

III. The Contractions and Expansions of the Self (xxvii-xxix). How comfortable do you feel about talking about your flaws or things you've done in the past that embarrass you now? Are proud of your knowledge of a particular subject? Depends, really on who I'm talking to and if it going to help someone else, as far as things I have done in the past. My flaws I am I think for the most part open about, everyone has them it makes us all human.

IV. The Role of Contrariety (30-31). How comfortable do you feel expressing an opinion that you know others will disagree with?
I on some levels comfortable with it I do think there is a time in place for certain things you shouldn't be in a classroom going over Shakesphere and shout out about the promblem with evolution..... but I think if it is on topic and I get over my intial shyness yes I am comfortable.

V. The Problem of Egotism (31-32). Do you worry that writing about your personal life in detail is a sign of egotism or vanity?
No i think people should write with which they know, who knows you better than you, I think everyone has a different experinces somthing that can help others with somthing that can show somone a diiferent way top think or look at things espessacilly iof your reader has never dreamed of going through what you are writting about, helpful...possibiliy.

VI. Cheek and Irony (32-33). How comfortable do you feel making fun of yourself? How do you feel about mocking other people? Neither of these are particular past times of mine.

VII. The Idler Figure (33-35). How do you feel about wasting time? Are you the kind of person who likes to have a strict schedule that you can stick to or do you prefer not to have a schedule at all and let things happen spontaneously? I am big last minute person and I hate that I want to be one of thoses people that I have to do right then, but I'm not. So my schedule usally on the fly.

VIII. The Past, the Local, and the Melancholy (35-37). Do you often find yourself looking back at past experiences and reflecting on how they shaped the person you are today? Yes I am very big on looking at what has shaped me I belive everything happens for a reason. The choices that you make, make you who you are.

IX. Questions of Form and Style (37-41). Would you say you feel more comfortable writing narratives or writing arguments or writing reports? Do you like to read texts that take a straight path from A to B or do you prefer to read texts that meander into unexpected places? NARRATIVES!!!!!! I also love reading storys that make all kinds of turns, and that you are never sure what is going to happen, very unpredictable.

X. Quotation and the Uses of Learning (41-42). Would you describe yourself as someone who is well-read? Do you like to quote others in your own writing? Do you like to write about what others have written?

XI. The Personal Essay as Mode of Thinking and Being (42-45). Would you describe yourself as someone who is open to a radical change in your life right now? No I hate change, big, small medium. I hate the idea more than anything, because usally when change occurs after my inital stressing out over it I can breath and see all of the good that it has brought me.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

On Writing

What do I say about writing? Writing is a personal experience that some lucky people get to share with the world, and the world actually reads it; if they get there work published I think the experience of writing is soothing, something about getting those thoughts and ideas on paper and staring down at them is a stress reliever. I found that not just poetry or essays, are stress relievers for me but the simple act of writing lists, i.e. grocery lists, to-do lists I'm not sure but all of these options help me take my often jumbled thoughts and releases them. My writing style....Is a more relaxed a first person narrative is mostly what i like to write, so some school papers I have a harder time with especially when It has to be an standard "Academic" paper where you are not allowed to have a "voice." I think that an important part of writing is the reading aspect, I find that I also like to read books that are written in the same way that I like to write, authors that share there personal experiences and thoughts, through there writing. Really communicating with the reader on a personal level, a level that as a reader you have experienced yourself, or perhaps that someone you know has gone through. I enjoy reading pieces that are written in diary form, or only the thoughts of the reader, I really connect to that especially when it is about physiological issues, because they go in depth in the psyche, and that type of writing is almost poetic with struggle, and there recovery. What else to say about writing, I wish I was better at it, I always entertained the idea of one day being published author, but that is on the same level as winning the lottery (hilarity). So for know I write my lists for stress relief and I write my school papers to graduate, and this is enough for now.